Our sustainability engagement supports our focus on building stronger, more resilient, more inclusive and more valuable companies.
Read our CD&R Builds Report
We are excited to share our CD&R Builds Report. The report highlights our activity in 2023 and 2024, which is structured to find, create, and protect value across the investment cycle, from sourcing to exit, as well as a series of challenges and solutions we are seeing in our portfolio companies.
Download the Report
Our Sustainability Council
Our Sustainability Council brings together relevant experts across the Firm to drive our sustainability agenda. Comprised of specialists in sustainability, talent management, environmental stewardship, digitalization, regulation, external affairs and supply chain optimization, the Council members leverage their wide-ranging experiences to foster sustainability practices that seek to drive value across the lifecycle of our investments.
Our Sustainability Ethos
CD&R’s Sustainability Policy is based on our belief that addressing material sustainability considerations is an integral part of investing and building better, more valuable businesses.
The Firm believes that sound sustainability practices help businesses deliver value to their customers, suppliers, employees and communities and in doing so also deliver value for investors. We believe that an effective sustainability strategy is essential to building strong brands, safeguarding reputation and creating long-term success.
CD&R’s Sustainability Policy outlines our approach to integrating material sustainability issues into our decision-making across the life cycle of our investments. This includes firm-level activities, investment analysis and due diligence, responsible portfolio company ownership, sustainability monitoring, stakeholder engagement and governance.
The Policy is informed by the American Investment Council’s Guidelines for Responsible Investing, the U.N. Global Compact and the U.N. Principles for Responsible Investment.
CD&R provides its investors with an unabridged copy of its Sustainability Policy.